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Luke Rhodes-Leader supervises 2 postgraduate research students. If these students have produced research profiles, these are listed below:

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Dr Luke Rhodes-Leader

Lecturer in Management Science

The Management School



Research overview

My research focusses on the area of simulation within Operational Research, particularly in using simulation to make decisions. This can be through simulation optimisation, multi-fidelity modelling or in evaluating simulation-based decisions.

I have worked in applications of simulation to maintenance of assets and airline disruption - both in collaboration with industrial partners. I also undertake methodological simulation research, considering the evaluation of digital twins and input model bias.

My PhD research, with the STOR-i CDT, investigated using simulation to make operational decisions in airline disruption management, aiming to minimise the impact of disruptive events. This research primarily focussed on using multiple modelling approaches to guide simulation optimisation techniques. My supervisors were Stephan Onggo at the University of Southampton, Dave Worthington at Lancaster University, Barry L. Nelson at Northwestern University, and Richard Standing at Rolls Royce.

PhD supervision

I am interested in supervising students in the area of simulation, particularly focussing on simulation optimisation or other methodological issues associated with the analysis of simulation models. I am also interested in applying simulation optimisation to real problems, sometimes in combination with other modelling approaches.

Current Teaching

  • STOR606: Stochastic Simulation
  • MSCI502: OR and Prescriptive Analytics
  • MSCI512: Simulation and Stochastic Modelling

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