Home > Research > Researchers > Maddie Smith

Dr Maddie Smith

Research student

  • Published

    Dynamic Forecast Combination and Problems in Multivariate Nonstationary Time Series

    Smith, M., 2024, Lancaster University. 213 p.

    Research output: ThesisDoctoral Thesis

  • Published

    Prospects for quarkonium studies at the high-luminosity LHC

    Chapon, É., d'Enterria, D., Ducloué, B., Echevarria, M. G., Gossiaux, P.-B., Kartvelishvili, V., Kasemets, T., Lansberg, J.-P., McNulty, R., Price, D. D., Shao, H.-S., Van Hulse, C., Winn, M., Adam, J., An, L., Villar, D. Y. A., Bhattacharya, S., Celiberto, F. G., Cheshkov, C. & D'Alesio, U. & 31 others, da Silva, C., Ferreiro, E. G., Flett, C. A., Flore, C., Garzelli, M. V., Gaunt, J., He, J., Makris, Y., Marquet, C., Massacrier, L., Mehen, T., Mezrag, C., Micheletti, L., Nagar, R., Nefedov, M. A., Ozcelik, M. A., Paul, B., Pisano, C., Qiu, J.-W., Rajesh, S., Rinaldi, M., Scarpa, F., Smith, M., Taels, P., Tee, A., Teryaev, O., Vitev, I., Watanabe, K., Yamanaka, N., Yao, X. & Zhang, Y., 31/01/2022, In: Progress in Particle and Nuclear Physics. 122, 87 p., 103906.

    Research output: Contribution to Journal/MagazineJournal articlepeer-review

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