Al Hefdhi M , Abbariki M., Disruptive Organizing and Dynamic Learning Capability: Transforming the Saudi Economy, Developmental paper for submission to the Organizational Learning Knowledge Management (OLKC) Conference 2018, Liverpool Management School, Liverpool, UK (April 26-27 2018)
Abbariki M., (2013). Knowledge Sharing and Work Identity: a Qualitative Perspective, Knowledge Management: an International Journal, Volume 12, Issue 2, pp.45-60.
Abbariki M., (2010). Optimizing Knowledge Sharing to Achieve Sustainable Competitive Advantages, the International Journal of Knowledge, Culture and Change Management, Volume 10, December.
The Impact of Work Routines on Employees Knowledge Sharing Behaviour, The international conference of British Academy of Management (BAM), Liverpool, UK September 2013-Conference Paper.
New Methodological Approach in Understanding Employees’ Knowledge Sharing Behaviour: Symbolic Interactionism Perspective, The International Conference of Organizational Learning, Knowledge, and Capabilities (OLKC), Washington, USA, 26-28 April 2013- Conference paper.
Knowledge Sharing and Work Identity,The 12th international conference for Knowledge Culture and Change Management, Chicago, USA- July 2012-Conference paper.
Knowledge Sharing and Sustainable Competitive Advantages, The 10th international conference for Knowledge, Culture and Change Management, Montreal, Canada, July 2010- Conference paper.