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Dr Manfred Lau

Formerly at Lancaster University

Manfred Lau

Career Details

Academic Qualifications:

PhD, Computer Science, Carnegie Mellon University

Bachelor of Science, Computer Science, Yale University


Lecturer, School of Computing and Communications, Lancaster University

Postdoctoral Reseacher, JST Igarashi Design Interface Project, Tokyo, Japan

Postgraduate Research Assistant, Carnegie Mellon University, USA

Research overview

Manfred's research interests are in computer graphics, human-computer interaction, and digital fabrication. His recent research in the perception of 3D shapes uses crowdsourcing and learning methods for studying human perceptual notions of 3D shapes. His work in 3D modeling and fabrication focuses on building natural user interfaces for the layperson to model, design, and fabricate their own products. His Ph.D. thesis work explored a combination of motion planning techniques and captured data to generate realistic crowd animation for games and films.



Research Areas: HCI, Computer Graphics, Fabrication, Geometric Modeling, Applied Perception

Please see more here: http://sites.google.com/site/manfredlau/

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