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Matthew Bradbury supervises 1 postgraduate research students. If these students have produced research profiles, these are listed below:

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Dr Matthew Bradbury

Lecturer in Cyber Security

Matthew Bradbury




Research overview

The Internet of Things has already become ubiquitous, however, in the futurer there will be an even further emdedding of smart things. Due to the pervasiveness of embedded smart things, it is vital that security issues are addressed, this is especially challenging due to the limited resources that many of these smart things will have. My research is primarily focused with aspects of mutli-tenancy on these resource-constrained devices. I am also interested in the provision of context privacy in order to reduce the leakage of postentially sensitive context information about a system.

Web Links

For more information on past research and projects, please see: https://mbradbury.github.io

Research Interests

Cyber Security; Context Privacy; Trust Assessment; Internet of Things; Resource-constrained Systems; Distributed Systems

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