External consultant on Business & Management degree routes, University of Bolton
Previously held external examiner roles for undergraduate Marketing programmes at the University of Bradford and the University of Wolverhampton
Agri-food expert member (2000-2011), Pesticide Residues Committee, Defra
I joined the Department of Marketing at Lancaster University in September 2006, from the University of Salford, where I was a lecturer in Marketing for 4 years. It was during this time that I completed my PhD whilst studying part-time (2004). Prior to this, I was lecturing in Marketing and Business Ethics at Queen Margaret University, Edinburgh for 3.5 years. At the beginning of my career I spent 7 years working in primary agriculture/food manufacturing. Before moving into academia, I also spent a year with an agri-food marketing research and consultancy firm as a project manager. As well as acting as an external reviewer for a variety of marketing-related journals, I am a fellow member of The Higher Education Academy and a member of the Institute of Learning and Teaching, the Academy of Marketing, European Marketing Academy (EMAC) and the Association for Consumer Research (ACR).
MKTG 225 Consumer Behaviour
MKTG 316 Advanced Topics in Consumer Behaviour
MKTG 310 Marketing Research & Consultancy Project
MNGT 516 Marketing Communications
MNGT 517 Buyer Behaviour
Dissertation supervision: MSc in Advanced Marketing Management; MSc in Management & Marketing
PhD supervision
Pre-Proposal Funding Application to the Volkswagen Foundation, Compagnia di San Paolo and Rijksbankens Jubileumsfond for a Research Planning Grant on Europe and Global Challenges. Team Leaders: Doris Fuchs and Agni Kalfagianni of University of Münster. Title: The Retail Challenge to Sustainability: Agrifood under Stress in Asia and the EU. 2009-2010; Amount: €50.000.
ESRC Bursary for Training, ESRC National Centre for Research Methods, 2010/2011; Amount awarded - £1100/£990.
PhD in Marketing & Consumer Behaviour (University of Salford);
MSc in International Agricultural Economics & Food Marketing (University of Newcastle);
P/G Diploma in Management Studies (University of Abertay);
BTechnol in Agricultural Business Management (University of Aberdeen).
Consumption Practices & Ethics
Recently completed an ethical consumer project with Dr Marylyn Carrigan and Professor Isabelle Szmigin from the Open University and the University of Birmingham respectively. Here, we explored ‘ethical consumers’ commitment and responsibility towards a range of ethical consumption behaviours (e.g. boycotts/anti-consumption, environmental sustainability, food ethics) and in particular the role of flexibility in their consumption behaviours.
Currently, a special call for papers on the area of Contemporary Issues in Green/Ethical Marketing can be found at the homepage of the Journal of Marketing Management.
Consumption Practices & Human-Animal Relationships
Currently working with Dr Fiona Cheetham from the University of Salford where we are using ethnographic film-making/photelicitation techniques to explore the influencing role of identity and emotions upon the acquisition and consumption-related practices within the context of consumers and their companion animals.
Consumption of Space & Place
Currently working with both Dr Gary Warnaby from the University of Liverpool and Dr Fiona Cheetham from the University of Salford to investigate consumption of space and place in the context of the urban public park. The use of visual ethnography techniques are used to examine the seasonal rhythms of consumption. Implications for policymakers responsible for creating and developing urban public spaces are offered.
Part II Director of Studies
Plagiarism Officer
Equality & Diversity Officer
Previously held professional roles included:
University of Salford, Management Research Institute Research Seminar Series co-ordinator
Queen Margaret University, Research Ethics Committee Member
Editorial Positions
Special issue Editor on Contemporary Issues in Green/Ethical Marketing, Journal of Marketing Management (2010-2012)
Special issue Editor on Consumers & Value-Based Labels, International Journal of Consumer Studies (2008)
Special issue Editor on Competitive Advantage in Food and Agri-business Industries, British Food Journal (2005)
Ayantunji Gbadamosi, University of Salford, April, 2008
DBA Marc Castricum, University of Bradford, 9th January 2007 (external)
PhD Gloria Walker, University of Salford, 27th July 2006 (internal)