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Nancy Preston supervises 15 postgraduate research students. If these students have produced research profiles, these are listed below:

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Professor Nancy Preston


Nancy Preston

Lancaster University

Furness Building



Tel: +44 1524 592802

Research overview

Nancy Preston is a Professor of Supportive and Palliative Care. She is the Co-Director of the International Observatory on End-of-Life Care at Lancaster University and Associate Dean for Research in the Faculty of Health and Mediicne.

My research focusses on palliative care and how best to integrate it into general healthcare systems including oncology and respiratory units, ICU, the community, hospices and care homes. I have been involved in seven European studies which focus upon service delivery, enhancing shared decision making and symptom management.

I am particularly interested in how peole make decisions at the end of life including advance care planning and assisted dying.

I am part of the NIHR/Department of Health Policy Research Unit for Palliative Care.

I use novel ways to disseminate research into practice including open access resources such as MOOCs.


PhD supervision

Palliative and end of life care.

Current Research

ACTION A multi-centre cluster randomized controlled trial of of advanced care planning - an innovative Palliative care Intervention to Improve Quality of Life in Oncology (European Union FP7)

Insup-C Patient Centred integrated palliative care in advanced cancer and chronic disease (European Union FP7)

SUPPORTED: the development of an abdominal support binder for the management of ascites (Lancaster University Impact Award)

Cochrane Systematic review on Strategies to Improve Recruitment to Research Studies via Health Professionals

Cochrane Systematic Review on the Management of Pleural Effusion


Research Interests

Palliative care is still largely received by people with cancer. I am interested in how we integrate palliative care to other services to improve uptake of services and dissemination of the principles of palliative care in general care. Some European Studies I have been involved in explore this:

1. InSup-C - how is palliative care integrated

2. Pal-cycles - how can we improve integration of palliative care into cancer services

3. EU-COPD - how can we improve integration of palliative care into respiratory services for people with COPD

4. In-Touch - Improving care of people with advanced dementia in care homes

I am interested in how people make decisions at the end of life related to advance care planning, sedation and assisted dying.


Current Teaching

I am a Professor and Co-Director in the International Observatory on End of Life Care within the Faculty of Health and Medicine. I teach on the different Blended Learning PhDs on systematic reviews and co-edited a book specifically to guide post graduate students 2nd Edition Aveyard, H., Payne, S. A., & Preston, N. J. (2021). A post-graduate's guide to doing a literature review in health and social care. Oxford University Press. Also AveyardH, Preston N and FArquhar M (2022 How to reas and critique research: a guide for nurses and healthcare students SAGE. I coauthored the book Walshe C, Preston N& Johnston B (2018) Palliative Care Nursing: Prinicples for Evidence for Practice. I have a number of PhD students through the PhD in Palliative Care blended learning course plus traditional PhD students too.

Additional Information

I am the Associate Dean for Research in the Faculty of Health and Medicine.

I am part of the NIHR/Department for Health and Social Care Policy Research Unit for Palliative Care.

My interest in assisted dying has led to presenting evidence to committees in the British and Irish Parliaments as well as various media outlets.

I am a section editor for BMC Palliative Care and reviewer for a large number of journals.


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