Home > Research > Researchers > Professor Nick Ostle > Datasets

Professor Nick Ostle


  1. Ecosystem functions and vegetation data for Winklebury Hill, Salisbury Plain, UK 2016

    Fry, E. L. (Creator), Hall, A. L. (Creator), Savage, J. (Creator), Bardgett, R. D. (Creator), Ostle, N. (Creator), Pywell, R. F. (Creator), Bullock, J. M. (Creator), Oakley, S. (Creator), Griffiths, R. (Creator), McDonald, R. (Creator), Caruso, T. (Creator), Ilardi, M. (Creator), NERC Environmental Information Data Centre, 2018, 10.5285/e8a1bf2d-bc6b-452f-ab9d-40fa2288fce6


  2. Soil biodiversity, carbon cycling and crop plant biomass responses to experimental biochar amendment of agricultural soil (Dundee, UK)

    McCormack, S. (Creator), Ostle, N. (Creator), Bardgett, R. D. (Creator), Hopkins, D. W. (Creator), Pereira, G. M. (Creator), Vanbergen, A. J. (Creator), NERC Environmental Information Data Centre, 2019, 10.5285/130369e1-d9c7-436c-bd0c-1ccde4844576


  3. Measures of peatland carbon cycling from peat mesocosm incubation experiments

    Richardson, H. (Creator), Waldron, S. (Creator), Whitaker, J. (Creator), Ostle, N. (Creator), NERC Environmental Information Data Centre, 2015, 10.5285/e15fbbab-1cdd-4509-81a3-aa050e927dd0


  4. Boreal forest floor greenhouse gas emissions across a wildfire-disturbed chronosequence

    Mason, K. E. (Creator), Oakley, S. (Creator), Street, L. E. (Creator), Arróniz-Crespo, M. (Creator), Jones, D. L. (Creator), DeLuca, T. H. (Creator), Ostle, N. (Creator), NERC Environmental Information Data Centre, 2017, 10.5285/f08a5de5-55d4-44de-90e1-94bb4f814054


  5. Plant and soil responses to simulated summer drought in 2013 on Colt Park grassland restoration experiment

    Cole, A. J. (Creator), Griffiths, R. I. (Creator), Ward, S. E. (Creator), Whitaker, J. (Creator), Ostle, N. (Creator), Bardgett, R. D. (Creator), NERC Environmental Information Data Centre, 2019, 10.5285/8a41b2a2-01d7-409e-adf5-fba3f3770f29


  6. Soil properties across primary forest, logged forest and oil palm plantation in Sabah, Malaysia

    Elias, D. M. O. (Creator), McNamara, N. P. (Creator), Ostle, N. (Creator), Majalap-Lee, N. (Creator), NERC Environmental Information Data Centre, 2018, 10.5285/7e046092-8405-41b8-9e38-67a844bb9e7d


  7. Ecosystem function and vegetation data from a land use gradient on Salisbury Plain in June 2014

    Fry, E. L. (Creator), Savage, J. (Creator), Pritchard, W. J. (Creator), Bardgett, R. D. (Creator), Ostle, N. (Creator), Pywell, R. F. (Creator), Bullock, J. M. (Creator), NERC Environmental Information Data Centre, 2016, 10.5285/0e0a89e1-21f9-413e-8d7e-764b0b714dd6


  8. Ecosystem function and vegetation data from Parsonage Down, UK, in 2013

    Fry, E. L. (Creator), Hall, A. L. (Creator), Savage, J. (Creator), Bardgett, R. D. (Creator), Ostle, N. (Creator), Pywell, R. F. (Creator), Bullock, J. M. (Creator), NERC Environmental Information Data Centre, 2017, 10.5285/4c7c9343-0624-4249-9ab2-183d49d41fe6


  9. Ecosystem function data from Winklebury Hill, UK, in 2013

    Fry, E. L. (Creator), Hall, A. L. (Creator), Savage, J. (Creator), Bardgett, R. D. (Creator), Ostle, N. (Creator), Pywell, R. F. (Creator), Bullock, J. M. (Creator), NERC Environmental Information Data Centre, 2017, 10.5285/b8e9c03e-4b71-4e3b-9110-820b7bc0bac7


  10. Atmospheric gas and vegetation survey data from Winklebury Hill, UK, in 2014

    Fry, E. L. (Creator), Hall, A. L. (Creator), Savage, J. (Creator), Bardgett, R. D. (Creator), Ostle, N. (Creator), Pywell, R. F. (Creator), Bullock, J. M. (Creator), Oakley, S. (Creator), NERC Environmental Information Data Centre, 2017, 10.5285/1e9cd575-66a0-4d7e-920c-4ce462efe5ce


  11. Soil nutrient data from Winklebury Hill, UK, in 2014

    Fry, E. L. (Creator), Hall, A. L. (Creator), Savage, J. (Creator), Bardgett, R. D. (Creator), Ostle, N. (Creator), Pywell, R. F. (Creator), Bullock, J. M. (Creator), Oakley, S. (Creator), NERC Environmental Information Data Centre, 2017, 10.5285/5012d5c1-da82-4773-b286-01222595a8c8


  12. Ecosystem functions and vegetation data for Winklebury Hill, Salisbury Plain, UK in 2015

    Fry, E. L. (Creator), Hall, A. L. (Creator), Savage, J. (Creator), Bardgett, R. D. (Creator), Ostle, N. (Creator), Pywell, R. F. (Creator), Bullock, J. M. (Creator), Oakley, S. (Creator), NERC Environmental Information Data Centre, 2017, 10.5285/0e2bbef4-47db-43dc-849b-c7ce49d5bcec


  13. Atmospheric gas and vegetation survey data from Parsonage Down, UK, in 2014

    Fry, E. L. (Creator), Hall, A. L. (Creator), Savage, J. (Creator), Bardgett, R. D. (Creator), Ostle, N. (Creator), Pywell, R. F. (Creator), Bullock, J. M. (Creator), Oakley, S. (Creator), NERC Environmental Information Data Centre, 2017, 10.5285/e05b350f-3cf4-4f8d-aa3c-24d562ca756b


  14. Measurements of respiration and microbial assimilation of carbon substrates and priming of soil organic matter mineralisation in tropical lowland and montane forest soils

    Whitaker, J. (Creator), Ostle, N. (Creator), McNamara, N. (Creator), Nottingham, A. T. (Creator), Stott, A. W. (Creator), Bardgett, R. (Creator), Salinas, N. (Creator), Ccahuana, A. J. Q. (Creator), Meir, P. (Creator), NERC Environmental Information Data Centre, 2014, 10.5285/cc264d08-ba89-42f0-a7cf-9c9477e1e2bd


  15. Field measurements of peatland carbon cycling at a wind farm hosting peatland in Scotland, UK

    Armstrong, A. (Creator), Richardson, H. (Creator), Waldron, S. (Creator), Ostle, N. (Creator), Whitaker, J. (Creator), NERC Environmental Information Data Centre, 2015, 10.5285/99416ba1-b670-4a82-8225-9644293fb4de


  16. Soil and litter chemistry, soil microbial communities and litter decomposition from tropical forest and oil palm

    Elias, D. (Creator), Robinson, S. (Creator), Both, S. (Creator), Goodall, T. (Creator), Majalap-Lee, N. (Creator), Ostle, N. (Creator), McNamara, N. (Creator), Zenodo, 2020, 10.5281/zenodo.3929632


  17. Vegetation survey of Moor House National Nature Reserve

    Whitfield, M. (Creator), Baxendale, C. (Creator), NERC Environmental Information Data Centre, 8/11/2016, 10.5285/7a7d08e3-48e2-4aad-855b-9d6767b9ae9b


  18. Data from: Drought soil legacy overrides maternal effects on plant growth

    De Long, J. R. (Creator), Semchenko, M. (Creator), Pritchard, W. J. (Creator), Cordero, I. (Creator), Fry, E. L. (Creator), Jackson, B. (Creator), Kurnosova, K. (Creator), Ostle, N. (Creator), Johnson, D. (Creator), Baggs, E. M. (Creator), Bardgett, R. (Creator), Dryad, 4/04/2020, 10.5061/dryad.7j43s83


  19. Leaf litter decomposition in old-growth and selectively logged forest

    Both, S. (Creator), Johnson, D. (Creator), Elias, D. (Creator), Ostle, N. (Creator), Majalap, N. (Creator), Zenodo, 2019, 10.5281/zenodo.3247639


  20. Historical context modifies plant diversity–community productivity relationships in alpine grassland

    Luo, S. (Creator), Bardgett, R. (Creator), Schmid, B. (Creator), Johnson, D. (Creator), Png, K. (Creator), Schaffner, U. (Creator), Zhou, H. (Creator), Yao, B. (Creator), Hou, X. (Creator), Ostle, N. (Creator), Zenodo, 2022, 10.5061/dryad.dv41ns21k


  21. Drought effects on root and shoot traits and their decomposability

    Reinelt, L. (Creator), Whitaker, J. (Creator), Kazakou, E. (Creator), Bonnal, L. (Creator), Bastianelli, D. (Creator), Bullock, J. (Creator), Ostle, N. (Creator), Dryad, 2023, 10.5061/dryad.r2280gbhc


  22. Data from: Ecosystem nitrogen retention is regulated by plant community trait interactions with nutrient status in an alpine meadow

    Wang, F. (Creator), Shi, G. (Creator), Yao, B. (Creator), Ji, M. (Creator), Wang, W. (Creator), Ma, Z. (Creator), Zhou, H. (Creator), Zhao, X. (Creator), Ostle, N. (Creator), Dryad, 2018, 10.5061/dryad.1gv31


  23. Data from: Relationships between plant traits, soil properties and carbon fluxes differ between monocultures and mixed communities in temperate grassland

    De Long, J. R. (Creator), Jackson, B. (Creator), Wilkinson, A. (Creator), Pritchard, W. J. (Creator), Oakley, S. (Creator), Mason, K. E. (Creator), Stephan, J. G. (Creator), Ostle, N. (Creator), Johnson, D. (Creator), Baggs, E. M. (Creator), Bardgett, R. (Creator), Dryad, 2019, 10.5061/dryad.gh41n3j


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