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Dr Rachael Taylor

Former Research Student


I am a PhD student continuing their adventure from undergraduate to postgraduate study here at Lancaster. My project will be investigating how virtual reality can be used as a tool to improve motor learning in the left hand in right-handed individuals (RHIs). Specifically, I would like to see if this methodology can be used to expedite a process called hand-dominance transfer (HDT) for use on those who have lost function of their right hand. 

Research overview

My research interests revolve around perception and action in real and virtual environments. In particular, I have helped run studies investigating how visual illusions imposed onto the environment affect perception of that environment. I have also researched the role of the size-weight illusion on perceptions of reachability. Virtual reality studies are my main area of interest as they allow manipulation of the body in a way that would not be possible in real life. This allows for more research into how the perceptual system adapts to changes in morphology, and how the body and perceptual system are linked.

Current Teaching

2018 - 2019 

PSYC102 Analysis Lab Graduate Teaching Assistant

PSYC 201 Main Seminar Tutor

PSYC102 Skills Lab Graduate Teaching Assistant

PSYC102 Experiments Lab Graduate Teaching Assistant



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