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Dr Robert Ash

Research student

Robert Ash

County South Lancaster University Bailrigg Lancaster LA1 4YL


United Kingdom

Research overview

My current research is in sincereity in worship. Must one only pray words which one believes to be true? What are the challenges facing editors of liturgy in creating prayer texts for diverse populations of worshippers? How literal must the language of prayer be/ What scope is there for poetry, metaphor and mystery?


I am a professional religious worker, a Rabbi. I have served congregations in the UK, Germany and South Africa. I am currently the Rabbi of North Manchester Reform Synagogue. I have taught about Jewish culture and religious thought and practice in several UK and South African Universities including Newcastle, Durham and Johannesburg. My current interest is in the challenges facing communities in producing liturgy in a context of widespread lack of engagement with synagogues and prayer by a highly educated, secularised Jewish population.