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Dr Sarah Hitchen FHEA

Lecturer in Philosophy and Teaching Development

Sarah Hitchen

County South



Research overview

I'm a lecturer in Philosophy with a background in War Studies, Security Studies, Law, and Philosophy having studied, researched, and taught across all of these areas.  My Philosophical interests primarily lie in the philosophy of war and conflict, military ethics, Ordinary Language Philosophy, analytic jurisprudence, and the philosophy of art and aesthetics, with occaisional forays into the linguistic elements of philosophy of science.  

My main research focus recently has been on the centrality of the combatant experience to the study of war, military ethics and politics, particularly in the context of modern warfare and insurgency fighting.  I am also interested in the moral and political aspects of public acts of rememberance in communities where tensions remain - particularly the history and ongoing discussion of official commemorations in the Republic of Ireland. 

I'm also interested in the interaction of the practical and the more abstract in particular the relations between; craft, technique, and creativity, character and action, the ideal(ised) and the real(ised) which run through the arts and the professions of arms. 

In my spare time I'm a printmaker, but keep my military interests entirely academic for the good of everyone.

PhD supervision

Philosophy of War and Conflict Aesthetics and Philosophy of Art Ordinary Language Philosophy Jurisprudence

Professional Role

As PPR's teaching developer I am responsible for enhancing teaching and learning provision in the department by leading departmental teaching strategies, feedback practices, and pedagogical development.

Current Teaching

PPR 301 / 501 Philosophy of Art

PPR 391.h / 571.a Philosophies of War and Conflict

Phil 100 Epistemology and Metaphysics

UG and PG dissertation supervision, particularly in ethical (including meta-ethics) and political philosophy


Previous teaching

Poli 100: International Relations Theory

PPR 221: International Relations and Security

PPR 206: Values and Objectivity (meta-ethics)

PPR 392f/592f: Feminist Philosophy

Phil 101: Moral and Political Philosophy

Phil 100: Philosophy

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