I am currently working as a research associate on the ESRC funded project 'The construction of stance in social research interviews' (PI: Professor Greg Myers). Stance involves the ways speakers mark the propositions they present, strengthening or weakening them, conveying attitudes towards them, and suggesting the style of delivery. In particular, I am analysing the different kinds of stance-taking and the relation to the ways the interviewees (and interviewers) present themselves, the functions served in particular interactional contexts, and the use of stance-taking to deal with interactional problems such as sensitive issues and possible contradictions.
My background lies in the area of Discourse Analysis and Interactional Sociolinguistics. My PhD thesis focused on the narrative construction of social identities, exploring how Greek adolescents use direct speech representation embedded in storytelling, in order to construct different aspects of identities. I am also interested in applying discourse analytic methods for the study of dialectal talk, approaching dialectal variation as an interactional resource for various communicative objectives.
Journal publications and book chapters
Lampropoulou, S. (accepted under revisions) 'On direct speech representation; a quantitative analysis in Greek conversational narratives'. Journal of Pragmatics.
Archakis, A. and Lampropoulou, S. (forthcoming) 'Narrativising the body as a stimulus of desire: evidence from Greek youth storytelling'. In Kanakis, K, Kantza, V. and Giannakopoulos, K. (eds). Language and sexuality through and beyond gender. Cambridge Scholars Publishing.
Archakis, A., Lampropoulou, S. and Papazachariou, D. (2009) 'As for the dialect, I will now tell you how we spoke at home': On the performance of dialectal talk'. Journal of Greek Linguistics 9(1): 3-31.
Archakis, A. and Lampropoulou, S. (2009) 'Talking different heterosexualitites: the permissive, the normative and the moralistic perspective'. Discourse and Society 20(3): 307-326.
Archakis, A. and Lampropoulou, S. (2006) 'Teaching oral speech: the case of direct speech in oral narratives. The International Journal of Learning, 13(5): 152-162 .
Conference proceedings
Lampropoulou, S. (2009) 'Forms and functions of speech representation in Greek adolescents' narratives. Proceedings of the 8th International Greek Linguistics Conference, 30 August-2 September 2005, University of Ioannina, Greece, pp. 248-260.
Archakis, A. & Lampropoulou, S. (2008) 'I couldn't break up with her cos she was wearing the mini skirt: the construction of heterosexual identities in Greek youth talk'. Proceedings of the conference 'Language and sexuality through and beyond gender'. 5 June 2008, Mytilene, Greece, http://www.aegean.gr/socialanthropology/iridion/Synedrio_files/ArchakisLampropoulou_conference_proceedings.doc.
Lampropoulou, S. (2008) 'The use of reported speech in storytelling: identity construction via direct speech'. Proceedings of the 28th annual meeting of the department of Philology of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki. 20-21 April 2007, Thessaloniki, Greece, pp. 231-241.
Lampropoulou. S. (2007) 'Self presentation via direct speech in Greek adolescents' storytelling'. In Gabrielatos, C., Slessor, R. & Unger, J.W. (eds.) Papers from the Lancaster University Postgraduate Conference in Linguistics and Language Teaching, Vol. 1: Papers from LAEL PG 2006, pp. 33-44, Lancaster: Lancaster University.
In 2009-2010, I contribute to LING204 ('Discourse Analysis: Looking at Language in Use'), LING 307 ('Language and Identities: Gender, Ethnicity and Class')as well as to LING132 ('Introduction to Media Discourse').