As a teaching development associate, I am involved with developing online, blended learning and professional training programmes in LEC. This includes the Food Challenges programme, which offers PG Cert, PG Dip and MSc courses in food security. I lead the online soil science module (LEC.455), work with programme directors to develop the course, and tutor the online students, many of whom work in the food supply industry. I am interested in developing other similar distance learning programmes, and welcome enquiries.
My research background is global change ecology, with a focus on how land use, land management and climate change affect ecosystem function and global carbon cycling. As well as my work on food security with the Food Challenges programme, I have worked on projects in grasslands and upland peatlands. These include a NERC funded novel warming and plant manipulation experiment, Defra funded research looking at the potential to manage UK grasslands to provide multiple ecosystem alongside viable levels of productivity; and a project on characterising landscape methane emissions.