Completed PhD at Lancaster University. Thesis focuses specifically contemporary Dandyism in Gothic and cult television in Britain and America from 1960-2003. Other areas of interest include representation of military/soldiers in media, post-traumatic distress syndrome (PTSD), comedy and parody, Khaki Gothic (relationship between comedy, gothic and war), Korean and Vietnam Wars, visual representation of subculture, Deaf culture, Irish literature and culture, anthropology, science fiction and steampunk aesthetics.
I am an Associate Lecturer with the Department of English and Creative Writing and I teach first year undergraduate English Literature (early Modern to Contemporary). I am also an MA Mentor for postgraduate students in the 'Research Methodologies' course.
I have a BA in Liberal Arts and Irish Literature, a Masters in Irish Literature, a PG Dip in Mediaeval Studies and a PhD in Dandyism and Television.
PhD in English: ‘Real Fakes and Echoes of Icons: Televisual Dandies of Britain and America, 1961-2003’, Lancaster University.
Completed PhD under direct supervision of Dr Catherine Spooner. Passed PhD in December 2015, Viva Voca supervised by Dr Brian Baker and Dr Claire Nally (Northumbria).
Dept of English and Creative Writing