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Current Postgraduate Research Students

Thomas Mason supervises 14 postgraduate research students. If these students have produced research profiles, these are listed below:

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Dr Thomas Mason

Senior Lecturer in Health Economics

Thomas Mason

Faculty Of Health And Medicine



Research overview

  • Applied econometrics
  • Individual health behaviours
  • Addiction
  • Population ageing
  • Chronic diseases
  • The use of incentives in public policy
  • Policy evaluation methods

Career Details

Tom is a Senior Lecturer in Health Economics at Lancaster University. Prior to this, he worked at Manchester University: as a researcher in the Manchester Centre for Health Economics (MCHE) and as a lecturer in the Economics Department. He also has experience working as an economist in the private sector.

He is the institutional lead at Lancaster for the Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC) North-West Social Science Doctoral Training Programme (NWSSSDTP) Health and Wellbeing Pathway: https://nwssdtp.ac.uk/, and is the Deputy Theme Lead for Health for the Data Science Institute: https://www.lancaster.ac.uk/dsi/research/

Current Teaching

DHR529 Data Analysis (Module convenor & Advanced Quantitative Methods)

DHR409 Applied Health Economics (Module convenor)

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