Home > Research > Researchers > Vincent O'Sullivan

Current Postgraduate Research Students

Vincent O'Sullivan supervises 1 postgraduate research students. If these students have produced research profiles, these are listed below:

Dr Vincent O'Sullivan

Formerly at Lancaster University

Vincent O'Sullivan

Office Hours:

Face-to-face: Thursday 9am-10am. Please email for an appointment.

Online: Thursday 11am-12noon. Please email rather than using the LibCal system.

If this time clashes with a lecture or tutorial, please contact me.

Research overview

Empirical Microeconomics: Economics of Education, Health Economics, Economics of Crime

PhD supervision

I am happy to supervise students who want to use individual-level cross section or panel data to test theories or examine policies in Health Economics or the Economics of Education.

Current Teaching

ECON 322 (Health Economics UG)

ECON 515 (Health Economics PG) 

ECON 811 (Human Capital PG)



Fellow of Higher Education Academy

PhD Economics - University of Warwick

MSc Economics - University College London

BSc Economics & Finance - University College Dublin

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