Degree: BA, MSc, PGCE, PhD (in progress)
My Role:
I work in the Department of Politics, Philosophy and Religion to develop distance learning programmes. I provide pedagogical and technical advice and consultation to academic staff (DL course approval, design and development, delivery, assessment, evaluation); coach and mentor academic staff in developing their perception and approaches to distance learning course design and online teaching. I have worked with academic staff in PPR, Law School and Woodbrooke Study Centre to develop 6 distance learning programmes: MA in Diplomacy and International Relations (DL), MA in Diplomacy and International Law (DL), LLM in Diplomacy and International Law (DL), MA in Quakerism in the Modern World (DL), PgCert in Quaker Studies (DL), PgCert in Religious Studies (DL). In addition, I have also worked in FASS (Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences) to develop distance learning doctor research training programmes.
I am a member of FASS distance learning experience working group and meet with academic colleagues from different departments regularly to share good practice and highlight issues and concerns of distance learning development. I present in flexible learning forum and sharing practice conference to showcase PPR distance learning programmes and online learning assessment design. In 2017 I visited LU Ghana campus to assess the possibility and feasibility of developing blended learning programmes and delivered staff development programmes in blended course design during the visit.
I develop and delivery two weeks online induction programme to all PPR distance learning students to get them familiar with online learning environment, advice them on how to manage time of online learning and provide 1-2-1 online tutorial in using digital services and software.
Current Research:
A Phenomenographic Study in the UK Higher Education Academics' Experience of Desigining MOOCs
Previous research projects and grants:
Student Digital Project to Improve the Digital in Teaching and Learning (2017). Project Supervisors: Xiaoxia Wang and Thomas Mills. Student: Philip Pedley (PPR PhD candidate). Project blog:
LSIS - Improve teaching and learning through technology £10K (Co-Investigator) 2010-2011
MoLeNet 3 project - Exploring pedagogical potential of mobile technology in work-based learning £60K (Principle Investigator) 2009-2010
Wang, X. A phenomenographic study in the UK HE academics’ experience of designing MOOCs (preliminary results), LU Grad New Cafe Research Event, Lancaster University, UK, August 2021
Wang, X. Exploring the UK HE academics’ experience of designing MOOCs, PGRC 2021, Lancaster University, UK, July 2021
Wang, X. and Germond, B. The Successes and Challenges facing Digital Assessment in the Context of Distance-Learning, at Sharing Practice Conference, Lancaster University, UK, July 2018
Wang, X. Exploring Pedagogical Potential of Work-based Mobile Learning, MoleNet 3 dissemenation conference, London, UK, September 2010
Member of Association for Learning Technology (ALT)
Member of European Association for Research on Learning and Instruction (EARLI)
Member of Centre for Technology Enhanced Learning (Lancaster University)