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Current Postgraduate Research Students

Yanping Du supervises 2 postgraduate research students. If these students have produced research profiles, these are listed below:

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Dr Yanping Du

Senior Lecturer in Future Energy and Decarbonization

Yanping Du

Engineering Building



Research overview

Dr. Du is currently a Associate Professor (Senior Lecturer) in Future Energy and Decarbonization (FED) at Lancaster University, and received his PhD in Thermal Energy Storage at University of Leeds and Bachelor's Degree in Thermal Energy Engineering at Xi' an Jiaotong University (China).  Prior to the current position, he was a Senior Lecturer in University of Exeter (2022-2023), Associate Professor at Shanghai Jiao Tong University (2018-2022), and  Acting Project Leader in CSIRO (2014-2017).  Dr. Du is Chief PI for the National Key R&D Program and won the RINENG Outstanding Young Researcher Award in 2023.

Dr. Du is a recognized researcher in low carbon energy  and serves as a member of the Academic Committee of ENFHT, Editor or Young Editorial Board for journals in the field, such as ‘Journal of Clean Energy and Energy Storage’ and  ‘Energy Storage and Saving', etc.  He has published more than 100 SCI papers in high-quality journals such as Nanoscale, Applied Surface Science, Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells, etc., and have broad research interests in multidisciplinary areas concerning future energy, nanomaterials and devices to tackle challenges in energy and environment for securing a sustainable future. Specifically, his research discpiplines include: 1) Future energy: Solar fuels, Hydrogen; 2) Decarbonization: Advanced energy storage, Superhigh flux heat  transportation, Direct Air Capture (DAC).

Welcome students to join my research group!

 (‪Yanping Du‬ - ‪Google Scholar‬ )


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