Due to a random structure of nonwoven materials, their non-uniform local material properties and nonlinear properties of single fibres, it is difficult to develop a numerical model that adequately accounts for these features and properly describes their performance. Two different finite element (FE) models – continuous and discontinuous – are developed here to describe the tensile behaviour of nonwoven materials. A macro-level continuum finite element model is developed based on the classic composite theory by treating the fibrous network as orthotropic material. This model is used to analyse the effect of thermally bonding points on the deformational behaviour and deformation mechanisms of thermally bonded nonwoven materials at macro-scale. To describe the effects of discontinuous microstructure of the fabric and implement the properties of polypropylene fibres, a micro-level discontinuous finite element model is developed. Applicability of both models to describe various deformational features observed in experiments with a real thermally bonded nonwoven is discussed.