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A commons creation framework for co-designing new commons

Research output: Contribution in Book/Report/Proceedings - With ISBN/ISSNConference contribution/Paperpeer-review

Publication date21/12/2021
Host publication14th International Conference of the European Academy of Design: Safe Harbours for Design Research
Place of PublicationSão Paulo
PublisherBlucher Publishing House
Number of pages8
ISBN (electronic)9786555060683
<mark>Original language</mark>English
EventEAD Conference - Virtual
Duration: 12/10/202115/10/2021


ConferenceEAD Conference
Internet address

Publication series

NameBlucher Design Proceedings
ISSN (electronic)2318-6968


ConferenceEAD Conference
Internet address


In this paper, we present a framework to support people to organise tools for creating a commons infrastructure. A commons is a shared resource governed by a community of people rather than solely a government entity or private company. The commons literature offers robust frameworks for analysing an existing commons but lacks approaches to support communities to create a commons. To address this gap, we turn to co-design as an approach to developing processes that support communities to create a commons. This paper builds on an established framework used to analyse an existing commons to propose a new framework to organise tools for co-designing a commons. To explore this framework, we apply it as a lens to consider three engagement tools used for the transition of libraries into neighbourhood centres. The framework offers an approach for communities to build commoning processes to manage resources produced as part of co-design projects.