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A new paradigm of reparation for victims of child pornography

Research output: Contribution to Journal/MagazineJournal articlepeer-review

<mark>Journal publication date</mark>1/12/2016
<mark>Journal</mark>Legal Studies
Issue number4
Number of pages25
Pages (from-to)613-638
Publication StatusPublished
<mark>Original language</mark>English


This paper sets out the distinctive harm caused and wrong done to child pornography victims. It presents a paradigm of reparation within a restorative justice framework that explains the significance of material reparation for these victims. The paper demonstrates that because of the particular nature of child pornography offences and the harms and wrongs occasioned, existing avenues for legal redress in England and Wales and the United States are generally inadequate and ill-fitting and that a new mechanism for effecting suitable reparation is required. It concludes by sketching a new mode of restorative justice for victims of child pornography, emphasising significant matters that must be addressed alongside financial redress in order to facilitate victims’ restoration.