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Age of acquisition in second language thinking

Research output: Contribution in Book/Report/Proceedings - With ISBN/ISSNChapter (peer-reviewed)peer-review

Publication date20/08/2022
Host publicationSecond Language Acquisition Theory: The legacy of Professor Michael H. Long
EditorsAlessandro G. Benati, John W. Schwieter
Place of PublicationAmsterdam/Philadelphia
PublisherJohn Benjamins
Number of pages19
ISBN (electronic)9789027257482
ISBN (print)9789027212566
<mark>Original language</mark>English


Debates around age effects in L2 learning have mostly centred around the domains of phonology, morphosyntax, and lexis. In this chapter, we expand the scope to conceptual and cognitive restructuring, much in line with Long’s (1990, 2013) discussion of the limits of age effects. Drawing on an extensive review of the extant literature, the current chapter examines the role that age of L2 acquisition plays for phenomena of thinking-for-speaking and linguistic relativity. The chapter closes with methodological suggestions for future research.