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An Adaptive Hyperbox Algorithm for High-Dimensional Discrete Optimization via Simulation Problems

Research output: Contribution to Journal/MagazineJournal articlepeer-review

<mark>Journal publication date</mark>2013
<mark>Journal</mark>INFORMS Journal on Computing
Issue number1
Number of pages14
Pages (from-to)133-146
Publication StatusPublished
<mark>Original language</mark>English


We propose an adaptive hyperbox algorithm (AHA), which is an instance of a locally convergent, random search algorithm for solving discrete optimization via simulation problems. Compared to the COMPASS algorithm, AHA is more efficient in high-dimensional problems. By analyzing models of the behavior of COMPASS and AHA, we show why COMPASS slows down significantly as dimension increases, whereas AHA is less affected. Both AHA and COMPASS can be used as the local search algorithm within the Industrial Strength COMPASS framework, which consists of a global search phase, a local search phase, and a final cleanup phase. We compare the performance of AHA to COMPASS within the framework of Industrial Strength COMPASS and as stand-alone algorithms. Numerical experiments demonstrate that AHA scales up well in high-dimensional problems and has similar performance to COMPASS in low-dimensional problems.