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  • 209-2023-TPC-0241 - Accepted

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An Initial Study on Power Capture Performance Analysis of TALOS Based on Power Take-Off System Parameters

Research output: Contribution in Book/Report/Proceedings - With ISBN/ISSNConference contribution/Paperpeer-review

Publication date22/06/2023
Host publicationISOPE 2023
Number of pages7
ISBN (print)9781880653807
<mark>Original language</mark>English
EventInternational Ocean and Polar Engineering Conference -
Duration: 19/06/202323/06/2023


ConferenceInternational Ocean and Polar Engineering Conference
Abbreviated titleISOPE


ConferenceInternational Ocean and Polar Engineering Conference
Abbreviated titleISOPE


The present study provides details on the power capture performance of TALOS WEC based on PTO system parameters. Considering that only
surge, heave and pitch modes of motions are directly coupled to the incident sea waves. Hence, the model is defined to be a 3 DOF model.
The PTO system is modelled by using ideal elements. The study focuses on surge, heave and pitch modes. The objective of the study is
to evaluate the power capture performance of the system and it is shown that the system performs well for sea states with Hs of 2 meters
or higher