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  • 2024HsiaoyunChanPhD

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Assessing digital literacies: An ethnographic study of teachers' assessment literacies in the digital age

Research output: ThesisDoctoral Thesis

Publication date2024
Number of pages358
Awarding Institution
  • Lancaster University
<mark>Original language</mark>English


In a world increasingly driven by technology, a trend recently accelerated by the COVID-19 pandemic and the emergence of generative AI, teachers require novel assessment literacies to effectively assess students' digital literacies. This ethnographic case study explores the assessment practices of two Singaporean English Language teachers, examining the complex dynamics that shape the assessment of students' digital literacies in the classroom. Specifically, the study addresses four research questions related to the impact of teachers' formative assessment practices, digital and assessment literacies, relationships with students, and contextual barriers on the assessment of digital literacies.

Over a four-month period, data were collected through lesson observations, teacher interviews and artefacts. Using Wiliam and Thompson's (2008) formative assessment framework and thematic analysis, the study found that teachers' adeptness in facilitating meaningful learning discussions, providing personalised feedback, and leveraging technology for assessment strongly impacts their ability to develop students' digital literacies. However, teachers' own digital literacies, potentially misaligned expectations of students, and systemic constraints can limit effectiveness.

The study concludes that innovative assessment literacies, integrating digital literacies, relational elements, teacher identity and systemic constraints, are crucial for teachers to effectively assess and support students' development of digital literacies. The findings offer practical insights for educators and recommendations for teacher education programmes to equip teachers with the necessary multifaceted assessment literacies. This research contributes to understanding the complex elements shaping digital literacies assessment and offers guidance for enhancing assessment practices in the digital age.