This body of work comprises a Systematic Literature Review (SLR), research paper and a critical appraisal.
Background: There has been an increasing trend to develop self-report assessments of voices. Assessments are crucial for research and clinical practice. However, no SLR of measures has been conducted since 2009.
Methods: Databases were systematically searched (MEDLINE, PsychINFO and Scopus) from 2009 to 2019. Measures were assessed for the quality of methods used and measurement properties.
Results: Twenty-one measures were identified, none of which were rated at ‘adequate’ or better in more than 3 of 10 areas in their methods used in measure development. No measures had involved voice hearers in the development of item pools.
Conclusion: Further research is necessary to develop measures. This should involve people with lived experience.
Research paper
Background: Relational therapeutic approaches may be beneficial for voice hearers. However, there is currently no English language measure of the Voice Hearer Relationship (VHR) which assesses both positive and negative aspects of the relationship. This study sought to gain an in-depth understanding of VHR with a view to developing an item pool for such a measure.
Methods: Qualitative interviews were conducted with voice hearers (n=7) and clinicians (n=8).
Results: Thematic analysis revealed four themes. Based on this analysis 93 items were generated regarding the VHR. This item pool will form the basis of a new measure of the VHR..
Conclusion: This study highlights that it is feasible to conduct qualitative research with voice hearers and clinicians for the purposes of developing an item pool regarding the VHR and this may contribute to the comprehensiveness of the measure.
Critical Appraisal
This chapter discusses: my epistemological position, the choice of analysis, biases in this research (and steps taken to address these), and future directions of this research.