The authors discuss the problems in creating the next generation of widely deployed ubiquitous computing systems and articulate current technical and sociological challenges to inspire researchers in the field. They discuss significant research challenges that have yet to be addressed. Central to documenting these challenges is recognizing the context within which we are operating, so they first describe the technical and social changes of the 1990s that directly affected ubiquitous computing then.
This paper was one of five papers invited by Mahadev Satyanarayanan, founding editor-in-chief of IEEE Pervasive Computing, to appear in the inaugural issue. The paper focused on progress to date in developing and deploying systems that realize Weiser's vision and set out a research agenda focusing on 'deployable ubicomp'. The paper was one of the first to articulate challenges such as payment and interference in ubicomp. This agenda has since become a 'hot topic' for the field and the article is frequently cited (>100 citations). Although an invited paper the submission was subject to the normal IEEE peer review process. RAE_import_type : Journal article RAE_uoa_type : Computer Science and Informatics