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Beyond the body: moving past the metricised bodily goal in self-tracking

Research output: Contribution in Book/Report/Proceedings - With ISBN/ISSNConference contribution/Paperpeer-review

Publication date3/07/2022
Host publicationDRS2022 Bilbao: Design Research Society Conference 2022
EditorsD Lockton, S Lenzi, P Hekkert, A Sádaba, P Lloyd
Place of PublicationBilbao
PublisherDesign Research Society
Number of pages15
ISBN (electronic)9781912294572
<mark>Original language</mark>English
EventDesign Research Society Conference 2022 - Bilbao, Spain
Duration: 25/06/20223/07/2022


ConferenceDesign Research Society Conference 2022

Publication series

NameDRS2022 Bilbao: Design Research Society Conference 2022
PublisherDesign Research Society
ISSN (Print)2398-3132


ConferenceDesign Research Society Conference 2022


Currently self-tracking systems, that sense and infer data about an individual or ‘the self’, focus on gathering quantitative data about the body. The social features present in these systems measure data about the body against other bodies or ‘the other’. However, focus on these metrics is causing harm. In this paper we discuss relations between the self and the other and more-than-human perspectives to pose questions for moving beyond the body and acknowledging potential harm in self-tracking systems. Throughout we draw on work from across Design Research, Human-Computer Interaction (HCI), Philosophy and Sociology, to high-light challenges and opportunities for Designers in the self-tracking space and discuss how the future of these systems needs to change.