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Brokering based self organizing e-service communities

Research output: Contribution in Book/Report/Proceedings - With ISBN/ISSNConference contribution/Paperpeer-review

Publication date2001
Host publication5th International Symposium on Autonomous Decentralized Systems, ISADS 2001
Number of pages8
ISBN (print)0769510655
<mark>Original language</mark>English


The rapid evolution of the Internet and its business tools is enabling the transformation and deployment of business processes as highly modular e-services that can be flexibly and dynamically composed to form ad-hoc workflow. This research prepares for the proliferation of automated, Internet-based workflow, by contributing a suite of protocols for self-organizing brokering communities that enables the discovery of relevant e-services. We present protocols and architecture for e-service brokering communities, and discuss their use in workbase, an Internet-based, automated workflow system over e-services. The brokering protocols are based on a three-tier architecture of agents, brokers and superbrokers. We also present an infrastructure for dynamically composing new services from exiting e-services on the Internet. An implementation using JKQML of brokering communities is provided along with the architecture and design of our e-services and workflow concepts. © 2001 IEEE.