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Carbon spenders or savers in a CO 2-rich world?

Research output: Contribution to Journal/MagazineShort surveypeer-review

  • Dylan Gwynn-Jones
  • John Scullion
  • Alan Jones
  • Nick Ostle
  • Simon Oakley
<mark>Journal publication date</mark>1/12/2011
<mark>Journal</mark>Planet Earth
Issue numberWINTER
Number of pages2
Pages (from-to)24-25
Publication StatusPublished
<mark>Original language</mark>English


Alan Jones, John Scullion and Dylan Gwynn-Jones are working together to investigate how Arctic heath responds to elevated carbon dioxide above and below-ground, using the longest continually-running Arctic elevated carbon dioxide experiment in the world. Arctic tundra and heath ecosystems cover over 300,000km 2 of northern Europe and Russia alone - an area the size of Norway. The Arctic tundra region, a circumpolar belt of carbonstoring plants and soil, encompasses swathes of northern Europe, Russia, Alaska, Canada and Greenland. The facts of elevated atmospheric carbon dioxide are at the forefront of many people's minds at present. Everyone knows about the links between fossil-fuel emissions and climate, and many also acknowledge the further challenges that these issues present to ecosystems. Next year, after 20 years of resisting temptation, they will finally venture into the potentially large carbon stocks below ground and find out what has happened to carbon stocks over the past two decades.