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Chapter 29: Restoration priorities and benefits within landscapes and catchments and across the Amazon basin

Research output: Contribution in Book/Report/Proceedings - With ISBN/ISSNChapter

  • Jos Barlow
  • Plinio Sist
  • Rafael Almeida
  • Caroline Arantes
  • Erika Berenguer
  • Patrick Caron
  • Francisco Cuesta
  • Carolina Rodrigues da Costa Doria
  • Joice Ferreira
  • Alexander Flecker
  • Sebastian Heilpern
  • Michelle Kalamandeen
  • Alexander C Lees
  • Nathalia Nascimento
  • Camille Piponiot Laroche
  • Paulo Santos Pompeu
  • Carlos Souza
  • Judson F Valentim
Publication date12/11/2021
Host publicationAmazon Assessment Report 2021
Place of PublicationNew York
Publisher UN Sustainable Development Solutions Network (SDSN)
Number of pages30
ISBN (electronic)9781734808001
<mark>Original language</mark>English


Restoration can be applied in many different Amazonian contexts, but will be most effective at leveraging environmental and social benefits when it is prioritized across the Amazon basin, landscapes, and catchments. Here we outline the considerations that are most relevant for planning and scaling restoration across the Amazon.