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Closed-form approximations to the Error and Complementary Error Functions and their applications in atmospheric science.

Research output: Contribution to Journal/MagazineJournal articlepeer-review

<mark>Journal publication date</mark>31/08/2007
<mark>Journal</mark>Atmospheric Science Letters
Issue number3
Number of pages4
Pages (from-to)70-73
Publication StatusPublished
<mark>Original language</mark>English


The Error function, and related functions, occurs in theoretical aspects of many parts of atmospheric science. This note presents a closed-form approximation for the error, complementary error, and scaled complementary error functions, with maximum relative errors within 0.8%. Unlike other approximate solutions, this single equation gives answers within the stated accuracy for x between 0 and infinity . The approximation is very useful in solving atmospheric science problems by providing analytical solutions. Examples of the utility of the approximations are: the computation of cirrus cloud physics inside a general circulation model, the cumulative distribution functions of normal and log-normal distributions, and the recurrence period for risk assessment.

Bibliographic note

This is a pre-print of an article published in Atmospheric Science Letters, 8 (3), 2007. (c) Wiley.