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Compressive Sensing for Bridge Damage Detection

Research output: Contribution in Book/Report/Proceedings - With ISBN/ISSNConference contribution/Paperpeer-review

  • Joel Höglund
  • T Voigt
  • B Wei
  • Wen Hu
  • R Karoumi
Publication date2014
Host publicationProc. 5th Nordic Wksp. on System and Network Optimization for Wireless, Are, Sweden
<mark>Original language</mark>English

Publication series

NameProc. 5th Nordic Wksp. on System and Network Optimization for Wireless, Are, Sweden


Key cost factors in a bridge’s life cycle are its inspection and maintenance. In this context, replacing generalpurpose conservatory approaches with site-specific and ondemand services may help reduce costs. The latter require realtime awareness of the structural conditions of the bridge at hand. However, high installation costs for the necessary monitoring facilities, e.g., due to extensive cabling, may turn selfdefeating in such endeavors. Wireless sensor networks (WSNs) provide deployment flexibility and ease of installation, at the price of limited lifetime due to the battery-driven operation; inaccuracies due to imprecise sensor readings; and unreliability due packet loss. In contrast to many other WSN applications, structural monitoring requires the processing of large amounts of data which need to be transported to a base station which requires energy for communication. By applying compressive sensing to the sensor readings, the communication demands can be greatly reduced which is of particular interest for resource constrained systems such as WSNs. In this short paper we design and evaluate a compressive sensing scheme for bridge monitoring.