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Con la pietra e la pergamena: Un "Ghibellin fuggiasco" e la ricostruzione della memoria nella Lombardia di fine Duecento

Research output: Contribution in Book/Report/Proceedings - With ISBN/ISSNChapter

Translated title of the contributionIn stone and parchment: A runaway Ghibelline lord and the reconstruction of memory in late thirteenth-century Lombardy
Publication date5/06/2023
Host publicationItalian networks: Spaces and political relations from Rome to the Alps at the time of Dante (1260-1330).
EditorsEnrico Faini, Pierluigi Terenzi, Andrea Zorzi
Place of PublicationRome
PublisherViella libreria editrice
Number of pages23
ISBN (electronic)9791254692752
ISBN (print)9788833138879
<mark>Original language</mark>Italian