Case study research facilitates the in-depth, real-life exploration of complex phenomena from multiple perspectives. It is a well-established approach to deal with the complexities involved in palliative care research. Case studies are not aligned to a single epistemological paradigm but are defined by the identification of the case to be studied. This article examines the methodological issues of carrying out constructivist Stakian multi-case study research. It is based on the lessons learned from our case study exploring the experiences of advanced breast cancer in Mauritania, a resource-limited, Muslim majority context. Stake provides suggestions and boundaries for the case study researcher, but there is no blueprint available for a Stakian multi-case study. The researcher is encouraged to employ their creativity, intuition and ingenuity. We exercised this freedom by incorporating mixed methods of data collection within our constructivist paradigm. We resourcefully revisited the identity of the case and embedded mini-cases, we rejected traditional views of triangulation in favor of crystallization, and we employed assorted approaches to guide and enrich our within- and cross-case analyses to formulate overarching themes and multi-case assertions. Stakian case study should not be limited to constructivist researchers. We encourage any case study researchers to consider this approach, especially those who wish to employ their intuition and ingenuity to understand and describe experiences and phenomena. © The Author(s) 2021.