The family plays an important role in coping with financial adversity (e.g., Hamilton, 2009; Hill, 1991), but previous studies have largely neglected the role of ambivalence in family sharing and adult intergenerational relationships (e.g., Belk, 2007/2010/2014; Belk & Llamas, 2012). Past consumer research on low-income parents of underage children emphasised parental altruism and sacrifice (e.g., Cappellini, Marilli, & Parsons, 2014; Ruth & Hsiung, 2007), focused on love and solidarity (e.g., Hamilton & Catterall, 2006; Kochuyt, 2004) and the avoidance of conflict (e.g., Hamilton, 2009), and presented a more positive view of how families cope with financial difficulties. Conversely, consumer research on homeless individuals suggested a bleaker picture characterised by family neglect, abuse, and lack of love as factors that lead to homelessness (e.g., Hill, 1991; Hill & Gaines, 2007). These somewhat polarised views of the family potentially overlooked the ambivalent feelings that arise in family relationships. The sociological concept of intergenerational ambivalence (i.e., mixed feelings, both positive and negative, that often accompany adult intergenerational support and sharing with adult family members) offered a more nuanced view of family life that moved beyond these opposing viewpoints of love, solidarity and harmony against conflict, disappointment, and neglect (e.g., Lüscher, 2011; Lüscher & Pillemer, 1998). The study herein uses the experiences of downwardly mobile Greek consumers faced with financial difficulties to explore ambivalence, intergenerational support and family sharing . The next sections review relevant literature on sharing, familial intergenerational support, intergenerational ambivalence and family identity, and ambivalence in sharing.