This book emerged out of Peniston-Bird's appointment as a research associate on a Leverhulme Project headed by Professor Penny Summerfield. The collaboration produced this monograph and other joint publications in Journal of European Studies (xxxi , 2001, pp.413-435), Women's History Review (vol. 9, no 2 ,2000, pp.231-255), and elsewhere (Paul R. Higate (ed), Military Masculinities: Identity and the State, Praeger, 2003, pp. 57-69.) Peniston-Bird drafted two and a half chapters of the monograph which were reworked by Summerfield to ensure a singular voice, while Peniston-Bird wrote extensive comments on and amendments for each of Summerfield's chapter drafts. The outcome is a unified text in which the input of both authors is indivisible. It provoked a series of articles and features in the popular media, and reviews in academic press are to follow. RAE_import_type : Authored book RAE_uoa_type : History