Upon reanalysis of the data with a corrected script, the authors discovered 2 items reported incorrectly in the published manuscript. These errors were principally the result of text identifiers being accidentally decoupled/jumbled from the LIWC data; we apologize for any inconvenience. In this corrigendum, we report the corrected items. We note that these corrections in no way change the conclusions drawn within the paper itself: while Poe shows an increase in the depression index in the later years of his life and surrounding his most successful years, this pattern does not consistently appear across all 3 genres (stories, poems, and letters). Our qualitative conclusions regarding Poe's depression, struggles with success, and life history remain unchanged. Additionally, we note that all normative analyses remain accurate (e.g., the one-sample t-tests and descriptive statistics, supplementary materials/analyses, etc.). For full transparency, all underlying data and R code is publicly available at the following OSF repository and has been verified as being accurate: https://osf.io/7rf95/?view_only=669accc0da6d4450bea801f1814ba6d4 Points of correction are as follows: 1 Page 485: The published manuscript reports that 9 out of 18 total outliers (50%) were concentrated in the years 1843, 1845, and 1849. There were instead 20 outliers in total, 8 of which were concentrated in 1845 and 1849 (10 out of 20, or 50%, occur between the years of 1843 and 1849). Outliers from Poe's stories included: The Tell-Tale Heart, The Pit and the Pendulum, The Light-House, and Berenice. The only poem of Poe's that emerged as an outlier was The Lake.2 Appendix B: While there were indeed 15 letters that were outliers, the list of letters reported is partially incorrect. This error was the result of an accidental decoupling of the text IDs with the raw data. All correct outliers/text IDs are presented in the OSF repository (see above). The corrected table is as follows: [Table presented] Author statement. Hannah J. Dean and Ryan L. Boyd are responsible for all content contained within this corrigendum. © 2020 Elsevier B.V.