In the following paper we investigate the concept of counter-knowledge and how its effects may be mitigated in an organisational context. Counter-knowledge may be acquired unwittingly from unreliable or inaccurate sources such as gossip, lies, exaggeration and partial truths. We consider that if counter-knowledge is present then specific actions are required to stimulate realised absorptive capacity and, hence, provide for the creation and assimilation of new knowledge and new knowledge structures. Thus, in this paper, we focus on intentional unlearning as a method to counteract the problem of counter-knowledge. We have analysed the relationships between an unlearning context and counter-knowledge using an empirical study of 164 Spanish hospitality companies in order to identify whether the impact of unlearning on RACAP can be strength. A model is tested in which counter-knowledge is simultaneously a hindrance and a challenge stressor. Our results confirm that counter-knowledge is a variable that, when controlled, has the effect of strengthening the relationship between unlearning and RACAP. However, when left uncontrolled, the relationship between unlearning and RACAP is weaker than it otherwise would be.