The purpose of the study is to investigate how the value mechanisms of advanced services business models interact with each other in their post-implementation stage. To better understand these interactions, the study adopts Teece’s (2010) business model conceptualisation which integrates value creation, capture and delivery mechanisms in the form of an architecture. In particular, the study focuses on the architecture of the value mechanisms, identifying interdependencies between them to understand the dynamics of advanced services business models. A multiple-case research method was employed to investigate the advanced services business models and the interaction between the value mechanisms of four multinational manufacturers. The analysis identified different ways the value mechanisms continuously affect each other in their development, creating virtuous circles of interdependencies. The study and its findings contribute to advanced services research by showing the interactions and dynamics of business models in their post-implementation stage and illustrating the role of digitalisation in the context of advanced services business models. It provides a holistic understanding of advanced services business models and generates a number of theoretical and practical implications.