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  • D-band medium gain

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D-band medium power traveling wave tube

Research output: Contribution in Book/Report/Proceedings - With ISBN/ISSNConference contribution/Paperpeer-review

E-pub ahead of print
Publication date25/04/2022
Host publication2022 23rd International Vacuum Electronics Conference (IVEC)
<mark>Original language</mark>English


D-band (141 - 175.8 GHz) is very attractive for high capacity wireless links. However, the low power available from solid state amplifiers is not sufficient to ensure long links with 99.99% availability in the most common rain zones. Traveling wave tubes have been extensively demonstrated as the solution for satisfying the link budget. At sub-THz frequencies their fabrication is difficult and expensive. Typically, the 40 dB gain needed can be provided by two sections of slow wave structure separated by a sever. Due to the intrinsic low interaction impedance at sub-Thz frequencies, slow wave structures with high number of periods are needed. In case of metal SWS this determines long fabrication time and difficult assembly. This paper presents a short double corrugated waveguides for wide band (141 - 148.5 GHz) TWTs to provide about 26 dB gain and reduced fabrication difficulties.