This paper presents a feasibility study of a novel multiple access technique called Multi-Scale Non-Orthogonal Multiple Access (MS-NOMA) for the next generation communication-positioning integration system. Different from the traditional positioning signals which are mostly Time Division Multiple Access with communication signals and are broadcast to all users, MS-NOMA supports continuous positioning waveform and flexible configurations for different positioning users to obtain higher ranging accuracy, lower positioning latency, less resource consumption and better signal coverage. Our major contributions are: Firstly, we present the MS-NOMA waveform and evaluate its performances by theoretical and simulation analyses. The results show it is feasible to use the MS-NOMA waveform to achieve high positioning accuracy and low Bit Error Rate with little resource consumption simultaneously. Secondly, to achieve optimal positioning accuracy and signal coverage, we model the power allocation problem for MS-NOMA as a convex optimization problem satisfying the Quality of Services requirement and other constraints. Then, we propose a novel Communication and Positioning Performances constrained Positioning Power Allocation (CP4A) algorithm which allocates the power of all P-Users iteratively. The theoretical and numerical results show our proposed MS-NOMA waveform with CP4A algorithm has great improvements of ranging/positioning accuracy than traditional Positioning Reference Signal in cellular network.
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