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Designing community: creating resilience through collaboration

Research output: Contribution in Book/Report/Proceedings - With ISBN/ISSNConference contribution/Paperpeer-review

Publication date29/09/2021
Host publicationDesign Culture(s). Cumulus Conference Proceedings Roma 2021
Number of pages15
ISBN (electronic)9789526490045
<mark>Original language</mark>English

Publication series

NameCumulus Conference Proceedings Series.
ISSN (electronic)2490-046X


Community must a be placed higher on the circular economy agenda if a totruly sustainable future is to be realised. This paper will explore the changing definition of community, looking at previous classifications and modern thought to attempt to provide an up date definition that is fit for the future of our multifaceted, complex society. The paper will argue for this new definition to be included as part of the discussion around the circular economy. The research shared in this paper are the initial results from a project that is attempting to make visible and tangible the connections and communities that circular economy organisations are part of. By making visible the connections this research hopes to encourage the design of community as an integral part of the circular economy and a resilient future . The paper will conclude by arguing how the results will contribute to the field of circular economy research.