The future of learning in African higher education may well be some variant of Mobile learning. Yet this is a technology that is currently under evaluated. This note describes and analyses a user study of an M-learning app currently deployed in a UK university as part of a feasibility and wider usability study for the redesign and development of the app. The app, iLancaster, is a free engagement tool available for iOS, Android and a web version; that offers the University services, resources, and information-at the user's fingertips whenever they want, from where ever they are. It identifies contrasting interests between stakeholders; specifically academic staff, administrators and students and highlights the significant differences between the app when used as a personal, reflective, learning support and when used for monitoring and supervisory purposes. It also reflects the quality of a user-centric (UC) approach to the evaluation of mobile learning, in the wider context of current practices for the design and development of educational technologies. It concludes with some 'implications for design' that result from this difference and identifies the relevance to an African context.