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Does Transport Infrastructure Benefit Gdp Growth?

Research output: Working paper

Publication date30/06/2023
Place of PublicationLancaster
PublisherLancaster University, Department of Economics
<mark>Original language</mark>English

Publication series

NameEconomics Working Papers Series


This paper examines how transport infrastructure affects GDP growth by reducing trade costs. Our empirical analysis confirms that improving transport infrastructure quality lowers trade costs, and we estimate the elasticity of trade costs relative to transport infrastructure quality. Specifically, a 1% improvement in average transport infrastructure quality between an emerging and a developed
economy can reduce bilateral trade costs by up to 0.71%. To estimate the net effect of changes in infrastructure on GDP growth via trade cost, we used the Computational General Equilibrium framework. Our results demonstrate significant potential for improving GDP growth in different groups of countries based on economic development (i.e., developing countries, emerging countries, and developed countries). We identify and examine the broader implications of transport infrastructure development for the global economy.