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Equity Lens Podcast: Ep. 13 - Snakes and ladders of Patient and Public Involvement and Engagement

Research output: Exhibits, objects and web-based outputsPodcast

  • Katerina Panagaki (Producer)
  • Rod Leiper (Producer)
  • Mike Tressider (Speaker)
  • Terry Bryant (Speaker)
  • Irum Durrani (Speaker)
  • Phil Watson (Speaker)
Publication date23/04/2024
Media of outputOnline
<mark>Original language</mark>English


What does the role of a Public Adviser in health research look like? What motivates people in that role and what do they hope will change in the future? In this episode, Mike Tresidder, Terry Bryant, Irum Durrani and Phil Watson share their experience as lived experience experts with Rod Leiper.