Purpose: Despite the varied housing policies guiding the Nigerian housing provision, its delivery is yet to level up with the global acceptable sustainability requirements. Previous studies revealed that developing countries are yet to unravel and embrace the tenets of sustainable housing delivery. This study, therefore, adopted the analytic hierarchy process survey in evaluating the critical success factors (CSFs) that can enhance the delivery of sustainable housing and, in turn, meeting the nation’s sustainable housing needs. Design/methodology/approach: Data for the study was sourced from housing developers in Nigeria. A pilot survey was done to reduce the identified success factors into a manageable size. These factors were evaluated using the analytical hierarchy process to ascertain the significant factors for sustainable housing delivery in developing economies. Findings: Findings from the study revealed that government funding towards sustainable housing, access to low-interest housing loan, mandating affordable housing development, ensuring community participation during housing delivery, the involvement of housing stakeholders, ensuring the security of life and properties, use of sustainable materials, adaptable housing design and befitting land use are the significant CSFs required for enhancing sustainable housing delivery. Practical implications: The findings of this study seek to inform developers, practitioners and policymakers on the CSFs crucial for sustainability attainment in the built environment. Originality/value: The CSFs are quite important and they would promote government sustainability programmes, meeting housing needs and if well implemented and adopted thereby solving environmental and socio-economic challenges of traditional housing development. This research has added to the existing literature on sustainable housing delivery by providing information on inclusive CSFs that would enhance the delivery of sustainable housing in the developing economy. Further research of this nature can also be carried out to compare and contrast with other developing economies.