This chapter will focus on the use of evaluative research in higher education
policy analysis. The approach will be illustrated by reference to
higher education policy in Scottish higher education, with particular
reference to the longitudinal evaluative research of support of teaching
and learning (T&L) (the Quality Enhancement Framework or QEF).
The chapter will discuss the features of the research process which are
shaped by evaluation theory. We adopt a theoretical position on policy
research which foregrounds the situated experience of policy as a core
research focus. Policy is depicted as being underscored by an implicit
theory of change which is used to structure and orientate the research
focus. The design of the research is characterised by the involvement of
potential users of the research output, with implications on the way in
which findings are articulated, presented and ultimately used, along with
aspects of the evaluative research design. The case study of the QEF will
be contextualised, and the intersection between the design features and
theoretical approaches, and the use and usability of research outputs,
will be established.