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From Concept to Manufacture: Effective use of CAD and FEA Without Compromising Design Intent

Research output: Contribution in Book/Report/Proceedings - With ISBN/ISSNChapter (peer-reviewed)

Publication date10/06/2005
Host publicationRapid Design, Prototyping and Manufacture: Proc. Sixth National Conference on
EditorsAllan Rennnie, David Jacobson, Chris Bocking
PublisherX-CD Technologies Inc
Number of pages7
ISBN (print)0-9737783-1-8
<mark>Original language</mark>English


Developments in CAD and FEA software have increased the range and functionality of teh tools available to the designer. As a result, the line between conceptual design development and detailed production design has never been more blurred. It is essential that designers are made aware of the tools available to them, and are given the time and the training required to allow them to use these tools effectively if they are to maintain a competitive edge.
This paper will highlight a number of teh functional capabilities of current design based software tools and their application in two design case study scenarios.