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  • 2022opalinskiPhD

    Rights statement: All materials and work presented here are the copyright© of Yvonne Opalinski. This copy has been supplied on the understanding that it is copyright material, and that no quotation may be published without proper acknowledgment.

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In the Betweens: An Exploration of the Interstices

Research output: ThesisDoctoral Thesis

  • Yvonne Opalinski
Publication date23/09/2022
Number of pages205
Awarding Institution
Award date25/03/2022
  • Lancaster University
<mark>Original language</mark>English


This thesis and its accompanying project are part of a critical exploration of space, identified as the interstices. Space is considered a void, a measure of separation or a counterfoil that accentuates material mass in art. In spite of these traditional associations, my aim is to alter how we think of space not only in art, but as a creative, cross-disciplinary medium. This research project investigates the minutia of space where sound, drawing, animation and poetry form a scholarly framework in conjunction with physiology, physics and philosophy to open interstitial encounters. As a structural tool and a macroscopic example of the organic interstices, the Japanese art of renga runs through this thesis to guide us inside those spaces.
Through this interdisciplinary approach, the project shapes an awareness of space as a material of substantive metamorphosis outside of time. By integrating media, this project establishes a new method of bringing things together inside a reworked renga continuum between virtual and physical. Accordingly, a new way of understanding from the inside out has been developed to shatter conventional separations, beginning with those divisions between artist, artwork and audience. As such, the subject-object gap is challenged as a method for knowledge acquisition, creative thinking and doing.
This study affirms that in the dissolution of separations antiquated grooves of thinking no longer function and knowledge cannot be limited to a set information point in a moment of time. Rather, their disintegration is a mandatory condition for physical-intellectual knowing within quantum reconfigurations. Understanding then occurs inside the infinite renga circle. The expanded spatial poems developed in this project demonstrate this new way of thinking and being. As a result, a fundamentally different method of looking at things is presented inside the spaces of the interstices and from this materiality an ultimately transferrable research tool has been developed for interdisciplinary knowledge generation.